Offerings To Odin And How To Make Offerings To Odin

Norse God Odin Of Poetry, Wisdom And Magic

Who Is Norse God Odin?

Odin is one of the major deities in Norse Mythology. He is considered the “All-Father” and is associated with knowledge, wisdom, poetry, war, divination, magic and Seidr. 

Why Make Offerings To Odin?

Making offerings to Odin can help you to form a deep connection to him. When you form a connection to him, you can receive his blessings and wisdom into your life to help you better succeed in your relationships, at work and with finances. You can ask him questions about issues in your life and receive answers in the form of visions, dreams, omens and answers that pop into your mind. When you ask something of Odin or request his help, then giving him an offering is a way to thank him for his support. Odin will consume the life force energy of this offerings and in turn, bless you more as well.

What Make Good Offerings To Odin?

Odin enjoys many different types of offerings. Here are some that he will appreciate:

  1. Hearty Grains: grains such as oats, wheat berries, barley and buckwheat which symbolize growth, development, prosperity and sustenance. 

  2. Cooked Meat: this symbolizes strength, robustness and vitality. (Note: if you are vegetarian or vegan, don’t feel obligated to offer meat. There are other offerings you can work with instead).

  3. Fruits: ones that work the best are ones that have rich flavours such as apples, pears, peaches, plums, apricots.

  4. Berries: if you can get them, lingonberries are wonderful or also raspberries, blueberries and blackberries work well too.

  5. Wine, Ale Or Mead: offering alcohol is a way to toast Odin and to celebrate him and his victories and in turn, he will celebrate yours.

  6. Poetry or Creating Art: writing a heartfelt poem or creating a little drawing/painting will be appreciated by Odin since he appreciates the creative spark in you.

  7. Share What You Have Learned: when you learn an interesting fact, you can share it with Odin by speaking it aloud or write it on paper. He appreciates knowledge as it will add to his bank of wisdom.

How To Make An Offering To Odin

First, its good to set up a sacred place in your home to honour Odin. You can put a small cloth down on a table. On top of the cloth, place a candle, a statue of Odin (or a photo of Odin or a drawing of him), a small dish to place your offering in. Once you set this up, light the candle and start to talk to Odin, greet him and tell him that you would like to form a sacred relationship to him. Tell him that you have an offering for him and say what the offering is. Tell me he may receive your offering and that you give it with love and honour. Then put the offering in the dish. Making offerings on a regular basis can help deepen your connection to Odin.

Want to learn more about Norse Shamanism, Gyðjur practices, Seidr, Norse shamanic healing techniques and Norse Mythology? Christa Lynn offers online classes in all of this and more. You can check out the online class schedule here. Or subscribe to the mail list here to be the first to know when the next class begins.


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