What Are Runes? What Are Runes Used For?

Runes are an ancient alphabet and lettering system of the Germanic languages and were also used as a system of writing by the Norse people and Vikings. The runic alphabet is known as the Elder Futhark and there are 24 characters in this alphabet. The word rún is an old Norse word meaning “secret” or “mystery”.

Runes can be carved into stone, wood chips, metal and bone. These runes were thought to have magical properties and had a sacred significance to the Norse people. Runes were used in special divination practices by a Norse shaman in the seidr tradition called a volva or seidkona.

Runic Divination

The runes were used to foretell the future, uncover hidden truths about a situation or aid in decision making. A seeker would visit a Norse shaman called a volva and would ask a question to the runes about a situation. The runes would reveal an answer giving insight and awareness into that situation which was interpreted by the volva . People often consulted the runes when faced with a decision or to divine what a possible outcome would be for a situation.

Runes For Personal Protection

Runes were also used for protection. Common uses of rune were to protect a person while they were traveling or going about their daily activities. In this case a person would carry a stone or wood chip that had special runes inscribed into it that had magical protective properties. This protection would include protection from harm, accidents, illness, malevolent spirits, harmful gossip and bad luck. In Norse shamanic cultures, the Norse shaman would create these special protection amulets for the people of the community.

Protection Runes For The Home

Larger stones were carved or painted with a special magical runic inscription that would invoke the protection of Norse Gods, Norse Goddesses and helping spirits to protect the home from natural disasters (such as flooding), human made disasters (such as fire), protect from thieves and protection against evil spirits. This protection would extend to all family members as well to protect their health, livelihoods and wealth. In Norse shamanic cultures, the Norse shaman would create these special rune stones for the people of the community.

Runes For Good Luck

Runes would be made into talismans that were inscribes with special runic inscriptions that would attract prosperity, good luck, abundance and good fortune to the person wearing this talisman. In Norse shamanic cultures, the Norse shaman would create these special talismans for the people of the community.

Are you interested in learning how to work with runes for divination or to create runes for protection and good luck for yourself and your loved ones? Christa teaches this and more in her online Norse Shamanic classes. Check out her class schedule here. Or subscribe to the mail list here to be the first to know when the next class begins.


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