Who Is Norse Goddess Eir? Goddess Of Healing In Seidr

Norse Goddess Of Healing Eir In Seidr

According to the old Norse texts of the Prose Edda and the Poetic Edda, Goddess Eir is a very special goddess who is important to Odin. The name Eir means ‘help’ or ‘mercy’. She has a gentle, graceful and benevolent energy and she attends to the wounded and those in need in Odin’s sacred hall in Valhalla.

Norse Goddess Of Healing In Seidr Shamanic Healing

Goddess Eir heals the sick and the wounded. She has a special apothecary where she prepares herbal remedies including ointments, salves, tinctures, liniments and medicinal brews. She possesses deep knowledge of how to heal the sick with plant medicines, magic and other healing techniques.She provides healing care to those in need and overseeing the wellbeing of humanity as well and helping people to live a healthy, happy and prosperous life.

Seidr Prayer To Norse Goddess Eir

The healing help of Goddess Eir can be invoked by saying a prayer to her when faced with a physical illness, emotional illness (such as anxiety, depression, sadness/grief) and/or mental illness. As the prayer is said aloud, sense, see and feel her love and healing energy all around you and that your vibration is shifting into a balanced, bright and healthier state.

“Dear Goddess Eir. Thank you for healing my issue of (state the issue). Thank you for surrounding me and infusing me with your love and healing energy. Thank you for restoring my well-being so that I am balanced and bright, strong and vibrant. For this I thank you. In full faith, and so it is”.

After saying this prayer, then leave an offering for Goddess Eir of fresh or dried flowers in a special place at home or in nature.

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